Please sign the letter at the link below and tell Spokane’s City Council members that you support stronger water conservation measures and a drought response plan that will sustain our river flows. SIGN HERE
Wise use of water is river protection. Some Background:
Average daily (SVRP Aquifer) water use in the City of Spokane is 202 gallons per person. The average American only uses 82 gallons per day. Under us all, the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer (SVRPA) is connected to the Spokane River. Many reaches of the Spokane River depend on the contributions of the aquifer for cold clean water that supports river flow. The peak demand for this use occurs in the summer for irrigating grass. This is when our Spokane River needs this water the most. In the summer when residential water use is five times higher than other times of the year, our use actually competes with the River for this water. Our use impacts river flow. Drought conditions in 2015, 2021, and likely this summer should serve as a wake-up call that Spokane needs to cut water waste and set more ambitious water conservation goals with a serious drought response plan.
Water use in City of Spokane
Water Waste in the City of Spokane - Aquifer water on the sidewalks