reporting pollution
Reporting pollution is the most important means by which a citizen can help improve water quality. The call or email triggers a process that starts with an inspector investigating the reported problem. In Washington State, pollution and potential pollution violate our laws (RCW 90.48). We prefer that you report your observations to us and allow us to manage communication with the state and local authorities to ensure the necessary information is included in the report. Read more information on the differences between environmental violations and emergencies.
Common pollutants in our area are often related to: storm water drainage, agriculture and shoreline destruction, and spills or illicit discharges. An illicit discharge is the disposal, release or flow of pollutants or non-water materials to the stormwater drainage system and/or River. The result is untreated discharges that contribute high levels of pollutants, including bacteria, heavy metals, toxins, oils and grease, solvents, and nutrients to the Spokane River.
To keep storm water drainage systems running well and our rivers, lakes, and aquifer clean, it’s important to have only rain in the drain!
Agriculture and cattle grazing too close to the water can erode river banks and destroy buffer zones causing sediment and run-off to pollute the waterways.
Pollution being discharged directly into the rivers and streams can harm water quality and ecosystems.
If you see pollution in our surface waters:
Take a picture,
know the location (street address or GPS coordinates),
and try to locate the source.

More Photo Examples: Common Signs of Violations from US EPA.