In 2024, the River Cleanup Program aimed to restore and protect the Spokane River through coordinated efforts that involved local communities, volunteers, partner organizations, and city officials. Over the course of the year, we successfully removed 67,110lbs of trash with the help of 2,318 volunteers during 129 clean up events. This report highlights our major accomplishments, challenges, and the impact of our efforts, setting the stage for continued progress in the coming year.
On February 27th, The Garland Theater came alive with the magic of cinema and fly fishing as the 2025 International Film Festival took center stage. This year’s festival was a remarkable celebration of film, creativity, and community, attracting fly fishing enthusiasts, river supporters and movie popcorn lovers from throughout our region.
A minor flooding event on Hangman Creek in February increased sediment, debris, and pollutants in the Spokane River for over a week, leading to higher turbidity. These changes stress the river's ecosystem and affect water quality long-term.
Join us for an an informal happy hour March 27th from 3:00-5:00pm at Black Label Brewing! Come get yourself a drink and spend the evening getting to know some of the Spokane Riverkeeper staff and community.
This project follows Robert Lester and Braxton Mitchel as they canoed 1300 miles over 55 days from the continental divide to the Pacific Ocean. Starting in Butte Montana, all the way to the Oregon Coast in Astoria. The project follows their long and tough journey while focusing awareness and attention to the health of the river basin and how dramatically the use of the river has changed since the native peoples who lived with and on these waters.
Join Spokane Riverkeeper and a panel of experts for an important public discussion on PFAS contamination in the Spokane River and regional groundwater.
In 2024, the River Cleanup Program aimed to restore and protect the Spokane River through coordinated efforts that involved local communities, volunteers, partner organizations, and city officials. Over the course of the year, we successfully removed 67,110lbs of trash with the help of 2,318 volunteers during 129 clean up events. This report highlights our major accomplishments, challenges, and the impact of our efforts, setting the stage for continued progress in the coming year.